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Divorce Counselling

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Best Anonymous Online Counselling in India by Sandhya

Sandhya Sandhya Certified Psychologist (View Profile)

3953+ Cases Solved
English, Hindi, Kannada
Anxiety, Stress Management, Depression, Self-esteem, Anger Management, Negative self-talk, Grief counselling, Eating disorder, Career concerns

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Best Anonymous Online Counselling in India by Lavanya

Lavanya Lavanya Certified Psychologist (View Profile)

5268+ Cases Solved
English, Hindi, Telugu, Marathi
Counselling psychologist, Stress Management, Anxiety, Depression, Motivation, NLP practitioner (neuro linguistic programming), Certified Happiness Coach, Relationship Issues, Marital Issues, Family Issues, Personality Disorders, Behavioral Issues, ADHD Counselling, CBT, Pre Marriage, Post Marriage, Breakup Problem, Guilt, Grief

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Best Anonymous Online Counselling in India by Rupashi

Rupashi Rupashi Certified Psychologist (View Profile)

New Delhi
953+ Cases Solved
Hindi, English
Anxiety, Stress, Tension, Motivation, Body image issues, Marital discord, Relationship issues, Family dynamics, Anger management, Aggression, Ruminating thoughts, Parenting Issues, Adolescent, Emotional issues, Behavioral issues, Adjustment, Grief, Sadness, Depression, Self-esteem, Self improvement, Work-life balance, Time management, Communication, Worthlessness, Irritability

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Best Anonymous Online Counselling in India by Dr Poonam

Dr Poonam Dr Poonam Certified Psychologist (View Profile)

71+ Cases Solved
English, Hindi
Relationship, Marital Problem, Depression, Anxiety, Stress Management, Marriage Counselling

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Best Anonymous Online Counselling in India by Diksha

Diksha Diksha Certified Psychologist (View Profile)

New Delhi
3156+ Cases Solved
Hindi, English
Relationship, Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Behavioural issues, ADHD, Marital issue, Individual counselling, Family counselling

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Divorce counselling is necessary when a person goes through divorce post marriage. It is unfortunate that sometimes when marriages fail, divorce is the solution but it can be stressful for some people. While some feel free, for some it can be devastating and start affecting normal life routine. One can experience extreme emotions, including grief, anger, confusion, fear, shame, anxiety. And, on top of it, if children are involved, it can be more stressful.

Online Divorce Counselling in India

Why does a divorce happen?

There are so many reasons but there are some common causes that we have listed below:

  • Lack of commitment
  • Extra marital affair
  • Lack of communication
  • Physical Abuse
  • Emotional Abuse
  • Financial Problems
  • Addiction

Physical Abuse Divorce Counsellor

There are a lot of signs in a marriage through which divorce can be predicted. It is important for you to know those indicators so that you can avail online counselling post marriage if you want to work on it. Although there is no 100% accuracy in knowing that the marriage will end but your marriage counsellor can accordingly spend time and theorise on the problem that might cause divorce.

Some of the signs that help in predicting divorce are:

  • Criticise, this is especially when there is a lack of frequent positive statements.
  • Contempt and a sheer lack of respect for the other partner.
  • No responsibility to find a solution to the problem, which means there is a clear lack of empathy.

Talk to a Divorce Counsellor

Negative Effects of Divorce

As we mentioned earlier, while for some it could be a positive change, for others the effects could be devastating. Hence you would need an online counsellor who will help you go through this phase of life and make positive adjustments

Finance: The sudden changes in lifestyle because of finance since the breakup of the marriage could cause stress, anxiety and even depression.

Divorce Counsellor online for help

Lifestyle: Newly divorced people might feel lonely or experience a sudden shock. Here, one needs to understand the self compassion is the key and only the best online counselling session can help you achieve that.

Relationships: So, if you have children, your relationship with them might get altered. In some cases, even children might need counselling or even a family counselling session becomes a must.

What is Divorce Counselling and How can it benefit me?

Your divorce counsellor will help you learn how to resolve a conflict in a more healthy and effective way. A divorce counselling therapist is trained to look into the matter without any judgements and help you identify yourself and therefore, learn effective communication skills. If your break up in marriage was not mutual then, the counsellor will help you better understand your partner’s need by addressing unresolved issues. You need to understand that online counselling is a 100% safe environment and it will only give you space to explore not just your relationship with your ex wife/husband but also your future goals and desires.

If you are still deciding if divorce is the solution or not, counsellors also provide couple counselling or separation counselling treatment where the trained therapist can help you come to a decision that is best suitable for both of you, help you resolve conflict and find a way forward.

Online Divorce Counsellor

Where can I get the best divorce counselling?

At OnlineCounselling4U, we have some of the best trained online counsellors and psychologists that provide 100% safe and non-judgemental advice on divorce. Feel free to talk to them on phone, chat or email and the best part is that you can be 100% anonymous and still take divorce counselling sessions from the comforts of your home within India and abroad in your preferred language - Hindi, English, Bengali, Telugu, Marathi, Tamil, Urdu, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Odia, Punjabi or any other regional language.

Best Online Divorce Counselling treatment in India


How does divorce counselling help?

Divorce counselling sessions help your work on self-care, making a new life plan, and teach you coping skills to move forward. and much more

Can you fix your marriage with online counselling?

Yes, with the help of a trained separation counsellor, you can actually work towards saving your marriage.

How do I deal with my divorce?

We suggest you should seek help if your divorce is affecting your finances, lifestyle and other relationships.

Is online divorce counselling effective?

Definitely, online divorce counselling is 100%effective since you are free to talk to the counsellor from wherever you feel comfortable.

Top Rated Counsellors

New Delhi
423+ Cases Solved
Hindi, English

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5268+ Cases Solved
English, Hindi, Telugu, Marathi

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1283+ Cases Solved
English, Hindi

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3672+ Cases Solved
Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, English

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753+ Cases Solved
Hindi, English

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"you are searching for the magic key that will unlock the door to the source of power, and yet you have the key in your own hands, and you may make use of it the moment you learn to control your thoughts." ~ Napoleon Hill