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Eating Disorders Counselling

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Eating disorders are the most common and the most complex mental health that affect people emotionally, physically and socially. Therefore, if a person’s relationship with food is at a stake then, you need to find an eating disorder counselling expert who can support you. Regardless of the gender or age, anyone can develop an eating disorder. While there is no particular cause - it could be genetic, social, environmental, psychological and biological.

Online Eating Disorders Counselling in India

It is important to note that eating disorders can become serious and can be fatal. But they are treatable if you find a good eating disorder counsellor. The road to recovery could be a bit long, but online counselling can help.

Types of eating disorders

Anorexia Nervosa: It is a type of eating disorder that causes a person to lose weight. In this, a person can be considerably underweight mainly because of eating less or exercising excessively.

Bulimia, as opposed to anorexia, is a type of disorder that can cause a person to eat excessively and then going on vomiting, over-exercising or using laxatives.

Eating Disorders Counsellor

Binge-eating disorder is when people overeat which is also described as compulsive eating. Food becomes emotional support and it is very common in adults.

Signs of Eating Disorder

So, it is seen that in order to cope with feelings of anger, grief, anxiety, depression, fear and even sadness, people tend to develop eating disorders. And, you can easily look out for the signs and know if a person needs eating disorder counselling:

  • Notice change in behaviour
  • Withdrawal from social situations
  • Feel uncomfortable eating in public
  • Repeated comment on their weight.
  • Weigh themselves repeatedly and obsessively
  • Picky eater
  • Skip meals.

Talk to a Eating Disorders Counsellor

How can I help myself to recover from eating disorders?

Your inner voice might tell you that you will never be happy if you don't lose that weight and your worth is based on how you look. But somewhere deep down, you know that this is not true and the first road to recovery from eating disorders is admitting you have a problem. Old habits are hard to break but it is also true that behaviours can be unlearned. Learn new ways to cope with emotional pain and dont substitute your problems in life with food. Feel free to break away from destructive patterns and seek guidance and support.

Find the best online counsellor for eating disorder

Since eating disorders have very serious emotional, medical and nutritional consequences, it is important that you seek help from a trained online counsellor. Your eating disorder counsellor will likely pick a long term recovery plan if you have been suffering from health issues.

Eating Disorders Counsellor online for help

Only after your health is under control, which may require hospitalisation in extreme cases, your counsellor will suggest you a treatment plan which may include:

  • Individual or group therapy that includes exploring the underlying issues to your eating disorder like self esteem, response to stress and emotional pain, and therefore, discuss the goals.
  • Family therapy will include family counselling so that your family can also understand and explore relationship dynamics which may contribute to the recovery process.
  • Nutritional Counselling will involve a dietician who will help you incorporate healthy eating habits and develop a healthier relationship with food.

Recovery is a process and it definitely takes time. So, don't beat yourself up if you have a small relapse. Remember, you always have someone to talk to at OnlineCounselling4U’s eating disorder counsellors. Available 24x7 on phone, chat and email, our trained online counsellors will talk you through your issues in your preferred languages like Hindi, English, Bengali, Telugu, Marathi, Tamil, Urdu, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Odia, Punjabi and other regional languages within India and abroad. There is no shame or guilt in accepting that you have an eating problem. You can talk 100% anonymous to any of our psychologists in a 100% safe environment.

Best Online Eating Disorders Counselling treatment in India


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Divorce counselling sessions help your work on self-care, making a new life plan, and teach you coping skills to move forward. and much more

Can you fix your marriage with online counselling?

Yes, with the help of a trained separation counsellor, you can actually work towards saving your marriage.

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We suggest you should seek help if your divorce is affecting your finances, lifestyle and other relationships.

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Definitely, online divorce counselling is 100%effective since you are free to talk to the counsellor from wherever you feel comfortable.

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"you are searching for the magic key that will unlock the door to the source of power, and yet you have the key in your own hands, and you may make use of it the moment you learn to control your thoughts." ~ Napoleon Hill