why Family rituals are important

7 reasons why Family rituals are important

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Family rituals are unique practices carried out by a family. It expresses a sense of belonging and acceptance. A sense of “This is who we are and what we cherish” is embodied in family rituals.

Your grandparents or other relatives may have passed down certain family rituals to you, such as eating Khichdi on certain days or always opening the box of crackers/fireworks with your cousins on Diwali. There may be other family rituals that your family may have developed over the years., A lot of your fond memories revolve around these family rituals.

Family Rituals are significant for families and children for a variety of reasons, according to University of Queensland Associate Professor Alina Morawska, who also serves as the Parenting and Family Support Centre’s Deputy Director (Research).

She goes on to state that family rituals foster continuity among generations and a sense of connectedness to various family members of various generations.

Family rituals create memories

7 reasons why Family rituals are important.

  1. Create memories: Family rituals create lifelong experiences for your family. Your children and you experience stability, identity, and belonging via family traditions. That’s because they’re unique activities you like doing together and have personal significance for you. They foster close ties with the family and the creation of shared experiences.
  2. Providing a sense of security: Family rituals give children a sense of stability that provides them with a sense of security. They encourage the formation of the child’s sense of identity, which will eventually become the cornerstone of adult development.
  3. Unify the extended family: Family rituals foster a sense of kinship among family members and assist in passing down family values, including cultural and religious traditions. They maintain ties between generations and provide them with a family history to share.
  4. Build children’s character: Family rituals allow children to open up to adults in an informal way. Family Rituals can also reassure kids in unsettling situations. For instance, if your small child enjoys hearing you tell a bedtime story before going to sleep, continuing this night-time practice while away from home will help them go to sleep. Traditional rituals such as praying, help instill a sense of gratitude in children.
  5. Respite from the daily busy schedule: There is no denying that families are all very busy. In addition to schoolwork, many families often have club meetings, games, practices, and competitions for music or sports. Most families have one or both working parents, and both the parents and the children participate in a variety of activities. Family Rituals help in giving that much required time off to every member of the family.
  6. Promote health and wellness: The health and happiness of today’s families, who are juggling the demanding demands of the job, home, and social life, depend on maintaining family customs. Family rituals are effective life organisers that provide stability in stressful and changing circumstances.
  7. Teaching family values to the young ones: Family rituals can strengthen family values and help pass these values on to your children. For example, something as simple as dinner together every week says that you value your family and enjoy spending time together. Healthy conflict resolutions can be taught best when put into action by adults.
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Family rituals build children character

What can be called family rituals?

Family rituals are customs that only your family is aware of. You are likely to follow several family rituals and customs and, possibly without even being aware of them. However, if you don’t have any or if you’d want to start some new ones, keep reading for suggestions and inspiration on family rituals and customs!

  • Having a special restaurant for celebrations.
  • Reciting dialogues from a favourite movie to lighten the mood.
  • Having a favourite activity such as baking a cake.
  • Doing chores together. (Well… it can be fun if it is done together!)
  • Building a pillow fort every fortnight.
Family rituals special restaurant for celebrations

Suggestions when creating a customised family ritual.

The ability to slow down and bond via rituals is one of the many potent advantages of having family rituals. These suggestions should help you to customise a family ritual suited for your family:

  • Spend quality time as a family regularly when you can all relax and have fun together e.g.: having Trivia nights.
  • Consider how you might add more fun or add distinctive touches to your regular activities e.g.: making games out of chores (it’s possible!)
  • Create a family ritual you may follow on special occasions. Baking a cake on birthdays or planning a surprise.
  • Engage in a family activity. A different family member may select a favourite activity each month. e.g.: Going to a zoo.
  • Having certain rules in place might be a good idea when creating new family traditions. These may include rules for how much a new ritual can cost, how frequently you do it, and when it is most convenient for everyone to do so.
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Customised family ritual

Do family rituals need to change?

Yes! As times change so should the family rituals or traditions. Family rituals should change as time passes by and some new ones can be made to suit the family circumstances. Rituals should be according to your family life cycle. Contrary to common opinion, many of these rituals – possibly the majority – are not sacrosanct. Some family rituals may need to alter as your children become older or as your family’s circumstances change, even though many religious and civic rituals are performed again and over again. Here is what you do:

Step 1: It’s crucial to recognise change when it happens.
Step 2: Instead of the real occurrence, perhaps thinking about the sensation produced would be a better thing to do.
Step 3: Several weeks before the practice of family rituals have a conversation with family members to gauge what is important to each person and to ascertain who will be engaging in it whole heatedly.
Step 4: Consider the additions or changes as a chance to continue family traditions.
Step 5: It may take several modifications until it seems correct. Be flexible. (You wouldn’t like to celebrate alone, would you now?)
Step 6: Family Rituals do not have to be elaborate to make them fun.

Do family rituals need to change

When tradition and change collide, it may lead to uncertainty, a loss of roles, wounded emotions, and unease about how to adjust without the support of the individuals who have always been there.

Stress and anxiety can also be brought on by adjusting to new family rituals. The entire family can, however, be inspired to alter traditions in a way that will please everyone by identifying the changes and inviting others to provide fresh ideas.

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Family rituals counselling

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