Mental Health

Pre-Board Exam Stress In Children

Pre-Board Exam Stress In Children: 6 Best Ways to tackle the examination stress

“A piece of paper cannot determine my future” Nitish, a 10th-grade bright student, looked anxious all the time since the date of the board exams was declared. He burned the midnight oil to mug up well all his lessons and left no stone unturned to score well. His school too was preparing them well with

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Things to do this new year in 2024

10 Things To Do This New Year 2024

“Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one.” – Brad Paisley New Year brings a lot of positivity, fun, and excitement, especially during the festive season. Amidst the hustle of parties and celebrations, our minds are also buzzing with thoughts of making achievable resolutions and setting new goals. The

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Effective techniques to stop overthinking

10 Effective Techniques to Stop Overthinking

Overthinking can be a relentless cycle that robs us of our peace of mind and prevents us from making clear decisions. The constant barrage of thoughts can lead to anxiety, stress, and hindered productivity. Fortunately, there are several techniques that can help you break free from the grip of overthinking and regain control of your

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5 Reasons why talking to a Professional is different from talking to a Friend

5 Reasons why talking to a Professional is different from talking to a Friend

Taking professional mental help is itself facing many myths thus people avoid taking counselling for their mental health problems. But they still feel like sharing their problems with someone so they do it with their friend. They do feel relaxed and calm but it’s only a temporary feeling because there was nothing professional and healing

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Best online therapy near me

Is Online Therapy Useful?

Slowly but surely, online therapy has gained precedence over traditional in-person therapy. That is because people find online therapy and counselling to be more convenient. Also, online counseling costs less than face-to-face counseling. However, the effectiveness of online counselling and therapy is no less than in-person therapy. Online therapy is something that can be required

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How counselling help in mental health problems

Does Online Counselling Help Mental Health?

In the past, people who need counselling for mental health issues have been apprehensive about getting therapy online. They only preferred getting counselling from psychologists face-to-face. However, over the years, as more and more people came to know about the benefits of online counselling, it soon became the preferred method of mental health treatment for

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