Author name: Lavanya

Hi, I am Lavanya. I am a counseling psychologist and an NLP practitioner ( neuro linguistic programming). I am also a Certified Happiness Coach. I share my insights on various aspects of human psychology and relationships through my blogs. I am a social worker and also an ardent animal lover. I am associated with SAFE Hyderabad an NGO that works towards Street Dogs.

Expert Tips For Valentine’s Day Celebration

10 Expert Tips For Valentine’s Day Celebration

“You know it’s love when all you want is that person to be happy, even if you’re not part of their happiness.” – Julia Roberts February is the month of romance and love! With Valentine’s Day around love is in the air. So, did the cupid hit you this year? Congratulations!! Love is the most

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Things to do this new year in 2024

10 Things To Do This New Year 2024

“Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one.” – Brad Paisley New Year brings a lot of positivity, fun, and excitement, especially during the festive season. Amidst the hustle of parties and celebrations, our minds are also buzzing with thoughts of making achievable resolutions and setting new goals. The

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Steps to Balance Your Relationship with In-Laws

20 Steps to Balance Your Relationship with In-Laws

Simple Steps to Follow in The Initial Years of Marriage If you are reading this, then it means, that you are getting married and worried about managing your relationship with in-laws. Or, you are already married and struggling to build a good rapport with your in-laws. This is a very common situation all women go

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Mistakes to Avoid In the First Year of Marriage

10 Common Mistakes to Avoid In the First Year of Marriage

The first year of marriage is the beginning of a wonderful journey together. There are many ups and downs. It is a transition phase. This journey is filled with excitement. The initial rush of love, adjustment issues with the new family, and of course the newlywed couples cannot be ignored. There are high chances of

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Benefits of sex in marriage

10 Benefits of Sex in Marriage

Marriage is a sacred bond that intertwines two souls, promising love, companionship, and support through life’s journey. A crucial component of this journey is the physical and emotional intimacy shared between partners. While the topic of sex within marriage can be delicate, it plays a significant role in maintaining a healthy and fulfilling relationship. In

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Effective techniques to stop overthinking

10 Effective Techniques to Stop Overthinking

Overthinking can be a relentless cycle that robs us of our peace of mind and prevents us from making clear decisions. The constant barrage of thoughts can lead to anxiety, stress, and hindered productivity. Fortunately, there are several techniques that can help you break free from the grip of overthinking and regain control of your

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5 Signs That Indicate You're About to Get Dumped by Your Partner

5 Signs That Indicate You’re About to Get Dumped by Your Partner

Relationships can be incredibly fulfilling and bring immense happiness into our lives. However, there are times when the tide turns, and we start sensing that something isn’t quite right. Unfortunately, one of the most difficult experiences in a relationship is the moment when you realise your partner might be preparing to end things. In this

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