How to deal with bullying

How to deal with Bullying

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“People who love themselves, don’t hurt other people. The more we hate ourselves, the more we want others to suffer.”

Bullying is one of those problems these days that should be deal with immediately. It is an intentional behavior which occurs again and again and involves power differences between bully and victim. Bully’s actions are purposeful and are intended to hurt or make the victim uncomfortable.

Bullying can happen in ways like fighting and abusing someone. 26% of the young people belonging to grade 6-12 have faced the issue of bullying. Cyber bullying has become quite common these days as social media usage has increased.

Indications of Bullying

  • Teasing/Irritating someone
  • Spreading rumours about someone (online or in person)
  • Removing someone from group intentionally
  • Harassing someone based on their culture, race and religion they belong to
  • Hitting someone
  • Posting photos of someone else
  • Commenting bad things on someone’s photo
What bullying looks like

The Influence of Bullying

  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Changes in sleep and eating patterns
  • Loss of interest in earlier enjoyed activities
  • Health Complaints
  • Reduced social life
  • Hampered academic and professional life
The impact of bullying on victim

Steps that shouldn’t be taken by Victim


  • Think it’s your fault. Nobody deserves to be bullied.
  • Fight back or bully a person back.
  • Increase absenteeism at school
  • Be afraid to tell.
  • Hurt yourself.
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What not to do if you are bullied

Steps that should be taken by Victim

1. Go for Ignorance

If the bad behavior of bully doesn’t get desired attention and response, then, the behavior will automatically decline. This has been shown by the experiments of operant conditioning where if a behavior doesn’t get reinforced, it declines. Researches show that Walking away or ignoring the bully reduces bullying significantly.

2. Seek Help

Victims can spend time with significant others who provides emotional support. They can share their emotions and feelings with someone who would understand them and provide unconditional positive regard. Talking it out with someone acts as catharsis which is good for one’s mental health. In school, children can talk to parents, teachers and school counsellors and bring this serious matter into light.

Seek help after bulling

3. Use Humour

Humour is the least expected and undesired response by the bully. This tactic can frustrate the bully as they expected crying and fear response from the victim instead they got laugh. So, humour has a great chance of discouraging the bully and preventing bullying altogether. Victim can just think of something funny and laugh it off in front of the bully.

4. Stand up to the Bully

If one decides to respond, take time and practice. One can use assertive body language like wide open eyes, straight bold posture, arms at sides and standing tall and face the bully. Make eye contact with the bully and confront him or her with a short and direct request. Politely and calmly set clear rules that reinforce the message that bullying is not acceptable.

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Stand up to the bully

5. Give yourself Positive Affirmations

This tactic can help to increase self-confidence and reminds of one’s strengths and positive qualities. Tell yourself affirmations like I can face this situation by myself. Practicing these affirmations in mind before confronting the bully can boost confidence.

6. Develop new perspective

Just putting a thought into that why bully is actually engaging in the process of bullying and hurting others can bring down the intensity of emotions like anger, sadness and shame. As then the victim will realize that the actions of bully are not directly aimed at him or her and the reason behind those actions is something else which can be:

  • They feel powerless in their own lives
  • They have lack of empathy
  • Someone else is bullying them
  • They are seeking attention
  • They are insecure as a person
  • They face jealousy a lot

7. Take Counselling

Counselling is beneficial for both the bully and the victim in the following ways:

For Victim:

  • Handle emotions like anger, sadness and shame
  • Develop healthy coping skills
  • Enhance self-esteem
  • Address learned helplessness
  • Avoid psychological disorders like PTSD, Depression, Anxiety Disorder or Suicidal Tendencies.
  • Learn Mindfulness, Meditation and Expressive Writing
Internet bulling via social media

For Bully:

  • Develop a sense of consequence and conscience
  • Learn Anger management
  • Learn how to prevent anti-social behaviours
  • Channelize the energy in socially accepted ways like jogging, boxing, etc.
  • Learn pro-social behaviours like empathy and sharing

Professionals like Counselors or Therapists providing Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) and Talk Therapy can really help both victim and bully in managing the process of bullying.

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Assistance at OnlineCounselling4U

Online counselling services include professionals who can help with a variety of mental illnesses and problems. Online counselors can help you listen, offer solutions, and even provide support. These services can be accessed via chat, email, phone, or video calls. You can now access professional assistance from the comfort of your own home.

How Counselling Can Help An Individual

OnlineCounselling4U provides a platform that allows you to connect with Mental Health Experts who will be there for you when you need them. Get in touch with our Psychologists/Counselors today to resolve your mental health issues from the root.

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