Talk to someone you can trust & feel better
Long-term stress is one of the leading causes of Mental Health Issues. For any adult these days, stress has become a part of life. In a office-setting, stress is very common. People often tend to ignore their mental health issues. And stress just makes things worse for them.
It is important for people to be both physically and mentally healthy for them to live a healthy and happy life. In fact, it is vital for their overall growth. In the same way, for a corporation to grow and flourish, the employees in the corporation need to be healthy and happy as well.
But most employees are so focused on meeting deadlines and completing targets that they forget to take care of their health. And hence, their mental health often gets ignored.
However, you don’t have to worry.
We, at OnlineCounselling4U, provide a program called Employee Assistance Program (EAP) through which stress can be managed efficiently. And not just that, our online counselling sessions provide your employees a safe zone where various mental health issues can be addressed as well.
Our certified therapists and counsellors are well-equipped to handle different types of stress-related and other mental health issues that your employees might be facing.
Connect with our support team.
Discuss your requirements so that our mental health experts can come up with a suitable therapy plan.
Organise counselling sessions for your employees.
Watch your employees perform better. See an increase in overall productivity.
Helping Businesses Achieve Full Potential
We help businesses create happy workplaces by giving them mental health counselling
We have a team of more than 550 certified psychologists/counsellors.
More than 50,000 cases have been solved over the years.
We take counselling sessions both online and offline depending on your requirements.
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Under the Employee Assistance Program, employers can help their employees get the mental health support they need. EAP helps with a wide range of issues such as Stress Management, Depression, Anger Management, Addiction, Anxiety and certain Behavioral Issues as well.
Through EAP, your employees can avail counselling via phone, email, chat, or face-to-face. Also, counselling sessions can be individual or group counselling sessions. Stated below are the various services that’s provided under Employee Assistance Program
Your employees can have one-on-one therapy sessions with our mental health experts. It can be online counseling as well as in-person counselling with a therapist.
According to your convenience and comfort, we would provide weekly or monthly therapy workshops which would be tailor-made to suit the mental health needs of your employees. These workshops can be very helpful in identifying common mental health issues. We make sure to provide your employees the tools needed to handle any such psychological issues that they might have.
We provide a Monthly Psychological Assessment of the employees which is done by using numerous psychological parameters. This helps in assessing the mental health of an individual. Then we provide them with mental health tips using which they can face any mental health issue. This ultimately leads to better performance and increased productivity.
Not everyone is a born leader. While many have the potential to lead, some may not reach their full potential. The mental health tools we provide help individuals enhance their leadership qualities and reach their full potential.
We provide numerous self help tools that assist your employees in handling various situations.
We provide reading material which is very helpful in self-awareness and in taking care of one’s mental health.
Are you ready to get your business to the next level? Complete the form below to start your EAP counselling sessions today.
Since its launch, EAP has been chosen by many corporations to help with the stress and other mental health issues of their employees. In fact, currently, it is counted amongst the Top Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) in the country.
An Employee Assistance Program is a program that helps the employees of an organisation in taking care of their mental health issues.
The number of counselling sessions provided under EAP would defer according to the mental health requirements of the participants of the program.
The Employee Assistance Program works well when the employees follow the suggestions and guidance provided by the therapist properly.
Since its launch, EAP has been chosen by many corporations to help with the stress and other mental health issues of their employees. In fact, currently, it is counted amongst the Top Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) in the country.
Keeping Hope Alive: Exploring Feedback from Our Esteemed Customers
"you are searching for the magic key that will unlock the door to the source of power, and yet you have the key in your own hands, and you may make use of it the moment you learn to control your thoughts." ~ Napoleon Hill