9 Common Reasons People Cheat In Relationships

By OnlineCounselling4U

People frequently cheat  when they feel bored in their marriages. Being physically, emotionally, or socially with the individual does not excite you in any way. 

1. Boredom

Another common cause of cheating is incompatibility, either psychologically or physically. Many feel it is OK to explore outside the partnership for sexual needs when incompatibility is the cause of cheating.

2. Incompatibility

A significant contributor to emotional infidelity is neglect. One of the motives for cheating is emotional support rather than sex. 

3. Neglect

A major motivator for cheating is revenge. People may cheat to get revenge on their partner for being unfaithful. They think their trust in the partnership has been compromised.

4. Revenge

People are likely to have an affair with a long-lost sweetheart they had a strong chemistry with. People often cheat in these situations in an effort to remember  happier times.

5. Unfinished Past

Because they are afraid of commitment, people cheat. 

6. Commitment Problems

Instead of dealing with a marriage that doesn't provide them enough ego boost, narcissistic people  find it simpler to  start an affair.

7. Insecurity

Cheating is frequently motivated by curiosity rather  than love; it is usually done to explore one's  sexuality.

8. Curiosity

The absent partner is yours. There won't be any word of this ever. Therefore, you accept the offer. This isn't to say that everyone will take advantage of the opportunity.

9. Opportunity

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