10 Ways to deal with Academic Stress

by OnlineCounselling4U

What is Academic stress?

Academic stress is the body's reaction to academic demands that exceed a person's capacity for adaptation.

1. Grounding Techniques

The "5-4-3-2-1 Technique" is one of the most popular grounding exercises. Look at five items you can see, touch four things, and feel each one's texture, temperature, and material.

2. Relaxation Techniques

When you breathe deeply, also referred to as diaphragmatically, you must inhale for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 4 seconds, and then expel for 4 seconds.

3. Meditation

Increased self-awareness, less negative emotions, increased tolerance and patience in difficult situations are all benefits.

4. Exercise

Regular physical activity keeps you fit, lessens the symptoms of depression and anxiety, and improves your mood.

5. Get enough sleep

Studying all night before an exam is another highly typical occurrence among students. To think clearly, though, you actually need a good night's sleep.

6. Eat healthy

Increased consumption of fresh fruits, fresh juices, leafy greens, homemade meals, and dry fruits will have the desired effect.

7. Journaling

You can better organise your thoughts and feelings by putting them in writing.

8. Time Management

You can prioritise your work by developing a regimen or a list of unfinished tasks.

9. Support Groups

You can start your own support group for mental health issues with your friends.

10. Talk to a Mental Health Professional

Don't be afraid to meet with and speak to a mental health professional if it becomes too much for you to handle alone.

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