January 2023

Top sign that show child is emotionally abused

10 signs that show your child is emotionally abused

Children are highly impressionable and absorb information and experiences, both positive and negative, from their environment. Emotional abuse can have a significant impact on their mental and emotional well-being, shaping their personality and potentially causing long-term psychological and emotional problems. It is important to recognize and address any incidents of emotional abuse in order to […]

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Arranged marriages lasts longer than love marriages

6 Reasons why Arranged Marriages lasts longer than Love Marriages

Arranged marriages and love marriages are two different types of relationships that have their own unique dynamics and challenges. While love marriages are based on the romantic attraction and affection between two people, arranged marriages are based on the decision of family members or a third party to match two people for the purpose of

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Its love or possessiveness

Is Love the same as Possessiveness?

Love and possessiveness are two emotions that are often conflated and misunderstood. While they may seem similar on the surface, they are actually quite different and can have very different consequences in relationships. Love involves a complicated blend of emotions, actions, and beliefs that are accompanied by strong feelings of affection, protectiveness, warmth, and respect

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Signs a marriage cannot be saved

10 Important Signs a Marriage cannot be saved

Marriage is a commitment which requires efforts on a regular basis which is not impossible to do but can be difficult sometimes. Love is that one thing that keeps the commitment of marriage going but when it starts to go down, problem arises in the relationship. Those problems can be solved but if the spark

10 Important Signs a Marriage cannot be saved Read More »

How relationship counsellor help

How can a Relationship Counsellor help?

A relationship counsellor is a trained professional who helps couples and individuals address and resolves issues in their relationships. Whether you are dealing with communication problems, trust issues, conflicts over values or goals, or simply feeling disconnected from your partner, a relationship counsellor can provide the support and guidance you need to work through these

How can a Relationship Counsellor help? Read More »

5 Ways to Use Stress Positively in Life

5 Ways to Use Stress Positively in Life

One may ask, how stress could be beneficial for us? Let me explain. Stress is the result of our brain’s fight-or-flight reaction to any circumstance. This means that the way we respond to any given circumstance is directly related to stress. The manner in which we respond is entirely in our control. Good stress, also

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